
ინდუსტრია: ინფორმაციული ტექნოლოგიები
თანამშრომელთა რაოდენობა: 10 - 50
ელ. ფოსტა:
DevsData LLC is a premium recruitment agency & consulting company providing its services to clients from all around the world. Agility, constant adaptation to dynamically changing environmental conditions, and the creation of our own, unique solutions are our hallmarks. We believe in the power of brainstorming and experimentation, as well as learning through failure. Challenges and complex projects are not something we are afraid of, which is why our motto is: "For demanding clients and challenging projects".
განცხადებები ინფორმაცია მოქმედება
Manual ტესტერი დღეს  - 12 თებ